Simultaneous interpreting at board meetings

Simultaneous interpreting at board meetings

The board of directors is one of the most important bodies of a company. It directs the running of the company, supervising and guiding the actions of the management. Its members are appointed or ratified by the general meeting of shareholders. In Spain, it is often the case that the majority of directors are Spanish but there are some foreign directors who require simultaneous interpreting services.

What do they talk about in a board meeting?

A fundamental part of this type of meeting is to discuss how the company is doing in terms of business figures, comparisons with past periods or with the competition, future projections, potential acquisitions or agreements with other companies, labour issues affecting the workforce, etc., for which the interpreters’ in-depth knowledge of the company is necessary. However, they also deal with geopolitical issues and macroeconomic trends that may affect the smooth running of business in some way. It is therefore very important for interpreters to be up to date with international current affairs.

Of course, it is essential to have a good understanding of what the company does and to have a specific glossary of the terminology in question.

Financial terminology is recurrent in this type of meeting, something the interpreter should master in order to be able to render a faithful and accurate interpretation.

What about confidentiality?

The client has nothing to fear. We interpreters abide by a very strict code of ethics according to which we maintain the confidentiality of all documents we receive and everything we hear. However, the client may ask the interpreters to sign a confidentiality agreement and they will be happy to do so.

If you are organising the board of directors of your company and need simultaneous interpreting, do not hesitate to contact Código Lingua.