Professional associations in the interpreting and translation sector

Professional associations in the interpreting and translation sector


There are sectors of activity that are regulated through colleges or bar associations. This is not the case of translation and interpreting. Although each professional is free to set his or her own rates and working conditions, the reality is that we professionals are guided by the sector’s associations.

Código Lingua is a member of both La Xarxa, the Network of Translators and Interpreters of the Valencian Community, and AVIC, the Valencian Association of Conference Interpreters.

In addition to having common rules that we all apply in terms of rates and working conditions, associations are a great source of specialised training, which is very necessary for our profession (and for any other, really), especially since most professionals are self-employed and not employed by large companies.

La Xarxa regularly organises training courses for its members, ranging from legal translation to translation software (CAT tools) and marketing for translators. It also organizes lunch and dinner meetings for Translator’s Day and Christmas, where members have the opportunity to get to know each other and share their impressions of the sector.

For newcomers to this world, we always recommend that you become a member of one of the associations in the sector – it’s full of advantages!